Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual blindness is a condition where an individual cannot see the presence of God or unable to understand His message. This condition will lead the person to judge other people or circumstances only based on what he can see physically.

In the Book of Wisdom 2:1-22, some people have this tendency. They were planning to put a righteous man to death, even though that man lived among them. Pride and envy have darkened their eyes so that they cannot see something good. Their sin and wickedness have blinded them. This passage gives us a preview of the passion of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The same attitude can be found in the Gospel of John 7:1-30. The people of Galilee seemed to know about Jesus origin. However, they failed to see that he is from God and leads them to God, the Father. They cannot see Jesus on a deeper level, even though, in reality, the Son of God is with them. He is the Emmanuel, God is with us. Their eyes were being blinded by envy and hostility. 

Reflect upon these two readings, we often judge people based on their appearances, yet fail to see something more profound inside of them. We need to see everything at a deeper level as we do not know if God is using those people (or situations) to show his face and light. We need to be aware of something that seems less valuable. 

In this Lenten season, we are dealing with coronavirus, which has been disturbing our normal activities, killing innocent people, devastating global economy, and giving headache to the governments all over the world. However, in great faith, let us see this situation in a deeper and profound level. Let us always remember that in whatever circumstances and conditions of life, God is there with us; he never leaves us alone in this journey. While the world is losing hope, it is our task as God's people, to strengthen our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord, more than ever. In other words, let us strengthen our spiritual awareness.

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